Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Code Camp 2010 Preparations

Finally, I am finished with organizing speakers for the upcoming .NET Code Camp. The list is still unpublished (is that a word?) as the speakers are reviewing their schedule. But I promise you, we have a beautiful line up, as it was last time.

Code Camp Registration is still open and you would want to visit http://www.central-penn.net/ for details. The event is on September 11, 2010 and would be held on ITT (Harrisburg, PA) premises.

The speaker line-up has been published. Please visit http://www.central-penn.net/ for details.


I have so many friends who are yet to jump to open systems. They are stuck in mainframe and mainframe like systems and are not ready to roll on to new and upcoming technology. I have helped many by introducing them to .NET.

Central Penn .NET User Group is conducting a .NET BEGINNER'S MONTH. This session would cover only basics of  object oriented programming in .NET.

If you are a beginner and you would like to know about .NET, this is the place to go.

Please visit http://www.central-penn.net/ for registration.

Cookies, anyone?

  Our application started having integration issues early March this year. Did I say that was intermittent? To add to our confusion, we coul...